Website Design Projects, case studies, before and after results

Every Project is Unique

Every project has a story!

Dhyzen Website Design Case Study - Results

I understand that each client, whether medical, nonprofit, service provider or small business has a unique brand, individualized target market, audience and business goals. Each of my clients represents a uniquely handcrafted result. With more than 15 years experience in the digital marketing industry, I have gained a perspective that has helped me to match new client’s needs with the most optimal online strategy, with an eye towards sustainable growth.

I can confidently say that my work has successfully helped each clients understand, plan and execute their goals usingΒ  Dhyzen-driven expertise in web design, development, strategy, social media marketing integration, well-rounded knowledge of hosting, SEO, site security and post-launch support. No matter what features, platforms, or customization a project may need, I always strive to work closely with each client to find the best solution for their business. One thing that remains constant in each new and on-going project is a commitment and determination to produce outcomes that surpass client expectations.

View featured case studies below to get a glimpse into the successful digital projects Dhyzen has created, along with the business results that we have generated to help them succeed.


This one? A gift from the Universe.

When I Jaime sent me a message all the way from Maryland, I thought it must be a prank, or a joke ... or a huge coincidence! Afterall - not one but two (count 'em)! Two referrals from the great state of Maryland. Not even connected to each other in any way. How does that happen?


From Scratch to Elegance


Jaime is revitalizing her business as a holistic health consultant. Her old website was bare (and I do mean BARE) bone. No content to speak of, not one narrative, no real website. So, basically, we're starting from scratch with this one - which qualified for my women-in-business discount. πŸ™‚


This one went from zero to lightspeed. Jaime was very helpful with tutoring me on how to create her content - and she was clear on her message. She just need a little help to put it all together. So, that's what we did. The results? Fabulous! Beautiful! And -- clearly described her services and the message she wants to get across to potential and current clients.


  • New WordPress Theme Installation
  • Layout and Design
  • Create Logo
  • Content Creation/Editing
  • Page design Consistent with Premium Theme
  • New Premium Images to go along with her New Personal Photos
  • Setup Style, Font & Color Customization
  • Plugins as needed
  • Social Media Setup, integration of new and existing accounts

Another Awesome Client!

I wasn't expecting to get a call from Ken, but when I did - I was impressed with how authentic and genuine he is, and I'm happy to have been able to help him with this build.


Commissioner Campaign


Ken and his team were working madly to get his campaign off the ground, and with short notice - they needed a working website to go along with that effort - and they needed it right now.


For Ken's campaign it seemed that the best way to go with a website would be a one-page design (something I usually avoid at all costs). That works for this website because all of the information is immediate - in-your-face and readily available. I worked on the images to get them to comply to a more modernized look that conveys professionalism. That combined with the content provided by Ken, this was a pretty easy build. I did use my editing assistant to elevate some of the content - but other than that - most everything was provided by Ken and his team. They even acted as spelling checkers and got back to me immediately with changes - a welcome assist for a project that required immediate turnaround.


  • New WordPress Theme Installation
  • Layout and Design
  • Content Creation/Editing
  • Edit and Redesign Available Photos
  • Setup Style, Font & Color Customization
  • Plugins as needed
  • Formatting Content & added pages
  • Social Media Integration of new and existing accounts

Another Awesome Client!

I don't know how I got so lucky with this client. Thom is an amazing person, dedicated to what he does and the people he serves. And funny!




Thom had a basically dilapidated old website that seriously lacked charisma. It was poorly designed, badly edited, difficult to navigate and it left out all of the important services he provides. Thom said all referrals had ground to a stop and he was in desperate need of a new website, one that worked. He wanted a new website that clearly portrays his services in an elegant and informative fashion. So, that's what we provided.


This project was a total remodel from the ground up. We took his old content, put it through the AI and Dhyana editing system, revitalized the images, found new images and really gave the website a better feel for who Thom is and what it is he does. And, he does some amazing things. We also generated some news articles to help illustrate how his services can help clients - and we built social media pages to give that content a place to land.


  • New WordPress Theme Installation
  • Completely new Layout and Design
  • Content Creation/Editing
  • High Quality Photos - Edit Available Photos
  • Style, Font & Color Customization
  • Installation of new Plugins
  • Formatting Content & Pages
  • Analytics & SEO-optimized including Schema and Keywords
  • Social Media Setup and Postings

A joy to work with!

One of my favorite people on the planet!




Shari and I have worked on a few different 'free' websites over the years when it was time to build a real website using a real hosted server with all of the bling that comes with that.


Shari's wedding services are very well reviewed and I believe her clients love her as much as I do. She is a joy to work with. Using content we had collected over the years and getting a little help from my favorite AI writer we built a new site featuring Shari's wedding services. It was a very economical build, and it does everything Shari need it to do.


  • WordPress Theme Installation
  • Updates, Upgrades to Layout and Design
  • Content Creation/Editing
  • High Quality Photos - Edit Available Photos
  • Style, Font & Color Customization
  • Installation of new Plugins
  • Formatting Content & Pages
  • Analytics & SEO-optimized
  • Social Media Integration of existing accounts

Hawthorn Healing Arts Center

Contact me for link information.

Hawthorn Healing Arts Center


  • Debugging the Old Website
  • Regenerate Corrupted Content for New Website
  • Avada Theme Reset and & Reintegration
  • Image Optimization & Editing
  • Complete design remodel
  • Responsive Features
  • Social Media Integration
  • Add New Social Platforms
  • New Search Engine Inclusions
  • SEO Generated Content
  • SEO Rehab
  • Google & Bing Search setup
  • Analytics & Google Console Integration

Ongoing support for Monthly/Bi-monthly Newsletter


Rehabbed Website


Hawthorn Healing Arts is one of my favorite businesses on the planet, so when Dr. Phillips contacted me about helping them with their website and launching new marketing opportunities, I jumped at the chance to get involved.


This website was so badly corrupted for never having updates to the theme or software (over about a 12 year period), that is was a larger challenge to undertake and get on the road to working than I imagined it might be. This website really is an ongoing challenge as the original site may have been hacked at one point or another, That left the content and the software tangled up in ways that are hard for mere mortals to imagine, and we are making progress every week with improvements and enhancements. That combined with unusual configuration and uses of pages and posts, this was one heavy job.

My goal was to untangle the dysfunctions and repair content as quickly as possible, then bring the most current version of their existing theme (Avada) back online and setup a new custom design and layout. This client has a loyal following so we wanted to make it possible for those folks to better find what they were looking for. We also wanted to incorporate new ways of getting news and information to the public, which would improve awareness of their services and bring in new clients while expanding their reach in the community. SEO was a priority to Dr. Phillips, and it's something we continue to improve upon as we work with the old content and integrate new ways of listing the website across the web.


After sweating bullets for a couple of weeks, I was able to iron out most of the bugs and design a new layout that works better for both the client and website users. By the time we were done with the initial rehab and final rollout, the site was much more functional and searchable. Visitors are now clicking through the website to visit more pages than ever and are eagerly using the new features we incorporated to make things work better. SEO was a bit of a challenge due to the strange setup of pages and posts on the original site, which gave us a bit of a trouble when we reset the site with Google, but within a week of going live we more than doubled traffic and got the site listed on more search engines and directories than ever before.


Contact me for link information.

A Rant!

Oh so far from the real deal!

Have you ever had a client or customer that was so challenging to work with that you had to let them go?Β All the hours I spent on this website, wasted and unpaid. I ended up 'donating' about 60 hours of work to this very unprofessional woman. If I could put a red flag warning on this business for other unwary consultants - this would be that.


I have NEVER had to rant about a client before and frankly this woman took me completely by surprise! Upfront and by all appearances - she's legit, kind, thoughtful and professional. Behind the scenes, I don't know what's going on! I do know that I'm not the first website developer to have issues with this business. In my naiveite, I believed that the backhanded comments about the former web person - were about the other guy - not her. Boy! Was I mistaken! This client came to me pleading for help with her website. The site was built by someone who enjoys making coded websites using extremely difficult-to-learn and impossible to change website builders/software/plugins. The site had not been updated in some time and the client was desperate to add new information and content.


It took me a couple of weeks to learn this new system and to begin to modify the content on this website without breaking it. Once I got the new system under wraps, I commenced to rebuild the pages with the new content. I also corrected some extreme design problems and helped modernize the whole thing. It was really, really challenging to do. But then, once it was all cleaned up and working fine the client decided she wanted a new website that she could manage better. So -- I spent the next 2 months creating a clean new site - one of the best I've ever worked on IMO. Then it took her another 4 months of 'being extremely busy' before she could really look at the site. Well, she was glowing with complements and said repeatedly that she and her staff loved the new website. They would only need a few changes completed before we could take it live.


  • Fully updated content
  • New Premium Theme - nothing hinky to deal with
  • New Images - added premium images where needed, edited the clients images to feature on pages
  • New Layout - remodeled the structure of the website to eliminate the extremely confusing sitemap they had before.
  • Added new pages to feature their products and services, eliminated bloat coming from the old site
  • Added personality to their website (they have a LOT of personality to deal with)
  • Set up the pages to perform at top SEO expectations -
  • Set up Analytics & SEO-optimized
  • Formatted Content & Pages
  • Added software to inflow reviews and other features missing from the original site
  • Conformed EXACTLY to their Stylesheet and branding for Font & Color Customization

The time it took to create this new product was about twice as long as expected - determined as I was to turn over a high quality product, I kept plugging right along.



Legal Offices of Dr. Russell Sawyer

Practicing Surgeon Opens Law Office


Dr. Sawyer was a little intimidating to me at first - super smart, multi-talented professional with very specific ideas for his new website. But what a nice guy to work with! Dr. Sawyer recently received his law degree and was eager to open a website to highlight his practice areas and expertise.


To go from zero to 100 mph this website was pretty fun to set up. Dr. Sawyer kindly provided most of the original content, which helped a ton. He is not terribly concerned with marketing his legal practice, but he wanted a website that is welcoming and informative. I think we have that covered. He also had specific ideas for a home slider, and that was pretty fun to work on as well. I highly recommend Dr. Sawyer for any of the services he provides, as I have come to trust him and value his expertise as a result.


  • Avada Theme - Unpack & Setup
  • New premium images
  • Image Optimization & Editing
  • Layout & Design
  • Responsive Features
  • Build & Launce New Social Platforms
  • Google Search
  • Google Business Setup
  • SEO Generated Content
  • Google & Bing Search setup
  • Analytics & Google Console Integration

Ongoing support for newsfeed content, which has helped to generate a nice flow of all search engine sourced visitors. I remain available for this client to help with anything that might crop up including projects, social media marketing, service changes, etc.

North Bay Private Medicine

Existing Physician opening New Business


Dr. Radha Lewis requested a website to feature her new practice which offers comprehensive one-on-one healthcare in the form of Concierge Medicine. North Bay Private Medicine affords premium medical care with a unique quality of personal connection in unhurried visits that focuses attention on patient needs.


So, this website was a challenge for me. The client requested a minimal content website (very few words) (not great for SEO) with absolutely ZERO practice-illustrative images (images and color provided by client) - NO news or new content whatsoever once the site is built. Also - she asked for social platform set up - but has no intention of ever posting to those platforms (at this point my head exploded). In the end the website looks more like an art gallery than it does someone offering medical services, but the customer knows best. Right?


  • Avada Theme - Unpack & Setup
  • Image Optimization & Editing
  • Layout & Design
  • Responsive Features
  • Added New Social Platforms
  • Google Search
  • Google Business Setup
  • SEO Generated Content
  • Google & Bing Search setup
  • Analytics & Google Console Integration
  • Make An Appointment prompts

Ongoing support for on-going challenges due to limited content and for updates to pages, etc.

Barth Vision & Optical

Contact me for link information.

Barth Vision & Optical

Longtime Practice Relocates - New Business


Barth Vision & Optical is owned by Dr. Gary P. Barth, a highly skilled ophthalmologist, surgeon and humanitarian. He has been in practice for decades as part of much larger medical groups, when he decided to go rogue and open a new clinic closer to home. The website build went from zero content to a full featured website that works well for the practice.


Dr. Barth is a very modest guy, so it was a bit of a challenge to come up with enough content that could be re-written to tell a better story and to optimize for best search results. But, we did it. πŸ™‚ Since the launch of the website we have continued to develop and expand on the content, so that today visitors are well-able to find the information they are looking for without any difficulty.


  • Avada Theme - Unpack & Setup
  • Image Optimization & Editing
  • Submitted Content Editing
  • New Layout & Design
  • Responsive Features
  • Add New Social Platforms
  • Google Search
  • Google Business Setup
  • SEO Generated Content
  • Google & Bing Search setup
  • Analytics & Google Console Integration
  • Make An Appointment prompts
  • Patient Comments/Reviews Integrated in the Website

Ongoing support for weekly news articles - social sharing,

Nelson Builders & Consultants

Contact me for link information.

Nelson Builders & Consultants


  • Fully Mobile Compatibility
  • Content Creation
  • Complete design remodel
  • Responsive Features
  • Social Media Integration
  • Jump Start Social Media
  • SEO Generated Content
  • Google & Bing Site setup
  • Analytics & Google Console Integration
  • News Feed

Rehabbing a decade old website (FUN!)


Nelson Builders came to me as a referral from my favorite client - JB Advertising. A Santa Rosa CA based home builder that was seeing a slow-down in business since the wildfires swept through the region, these folks needed to get their existing website out of mothballs, updated to current standards, and working for them rather than acting as a barrier to new business.


The goal of this website rehab project was to keep the existing theme (Avada) but bring it up to speed, generate content for pages that was otherwise nonexistent, and find creative ways to describe the work they do in meaningful ways. The layout and design of the old website was barely developed so this was also something that needed to be taken into consideration - same theme, brand new design and layout, from font to color choices, to widgets and plugins, to photo layouts, to social links to SEO operative content. Almost like a brand new site - with perhaps some dusty old stuff in the closets that needed to be sorted and deleted. Above all the Nelson's wanted to have a website that search engines could first discover, and then give them reasons to crawl the site and index the pages. They also needed search engines to list the business in a more comprehensive manner - this means properly placed keywords, phrases and setting up Google search results and Bing for Business.


I am incredibly pleased with the results of this rehab project. It makes me smile every time I visit the website. πŸ™‚ There really is no comparison between what used to be there, and what visitors experience now. I think the Nelson's feel the same way, too. The look of the site is highly professional, the content is comprehensive, friendly without being flamboyant and it makes sense for the work that they do. It also does a good job of highlighting their expertise and professional skills. The layout helps to capture visitor's attention and keeps them engaged while they are there. Their social platforms are now setup and connected,Β  Google and Bing have indexed the pages, and the thoughtfully created page content helps search engine find keywords and phrases in a clear and ready format, ramping up their SEO-ability by a thousandfold. I look forward to hearing that Nelson Builders and Consultants is rebuilding Santa Rosa one house at a time, with no time to spare. Thank you (Bev) JB Advertising for the referral. Thank you Nelson Builders.

Contact me for link information.

St Vincent de Paul Society of Crook County


  • Fully Mobile Compatibility
  • Solid Donation Platform
  • Content Editing (expansion where possible)
  • Responsive Design
  • Social Media Integration
  • SEO Ready
  • Google & Bing Site Submission
  • Security Enhancements
  • SSL Certification
  • News Feed
  • Optimized HQ Images

Super Affordable Website (Nonprofit)


St. Vincent de Paul came to me seeking an affordable way to build a website that expressed their mission and priorities in the community. Their major concerns involved making sure that visitors could make donations as effortlessly as possible and that questions were answered in clear and concise ways. The all-volunteer team pursued a rigorously Website Development Company interview process for both local and national web developers to find the best fit for this project. In the end, they also requested a number of written proposals. Dhyzen Creative Services came out on top. ????


The goal with this website was to create a design and navigation system that highlights the organization's core message while validating their expertise and the work they do in the community, both visually and with written content. As a struggling small nonprofit with a number of bumps in the road in their past, they wanted to get online in a big way and make a positive first impression with visitors.


Recent comments from agency volunteers (they are all volunteers) is extremely positive, so it appears we have accomplished our goals. The site is built to give visitors an instant impression of the organization's community involvement, clearly expressing needs and their founding ideals. It is clean, clear and easy to navigate - helping to ensure that visitors get to the content they're looking for without having to plow through a lot of fluff. Their major priority for getting new donations is already beginning to pay off, proving that those features are functioning as planned. Another happy customer using my Super Affordable Website offer.

Dr. Jenny Holland, Psy, D.


  • 100% New Content
  • Functioning & Interactive Theme
  • Fully Featured Services
  • Integrated Payment Option
  • Redesigned Forms & Policies
  • New Logo Design
  • Enhanced SEO, Google Console, Site Map, etc.
  • Mobile Application
  • Custom CMS
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Social Media Integration
  • Security Enhancements
  • SSL Certification
  • News Feed
  • Optimized HQ Images

Responsive, Up-to-Date, Professional, Comprehensive


Dr. Jenny Holland was referred to me by JB Communications. Her primary concerns involved a stagnant and old-school Wix website that literally turned new clients away. Upon investigation I discovered serious content issues, visibility problems and negative image impact due to how the content sorely misrepresented her professionally.


The goal with this website was to completely demolish the old platform and start fresh with WordPress - to give her a more worthy persona and to redesign her online image as a professional and leader in her field. Hoping to make a smooth transition using the old content I quickly discovered that there really was no old content, so it was going to be a matter of starting from square one. Dr. Holland wanted to represented her practice and clearly describe her services but with a serious case of writer's block and no access to anything other than a phone, this task ended up on my desk.

In addition to re-marketing and rebranding her practice website we also needed to get her social media up-to-speed and setup some new platforms for reaching potential new clients. Of course integrating social media links and platforms, enhancing SEO on the website and making it easy for visitors to contact her was also at the top of the list. My goal included utilizing a news blog in order to bring attention to her practice and get people flowing to her website.


While this website is still fresh out of the box, but analytics suggests that all of our tick marks are being hit even in just the first week. With having to generate, write, edit and design more than 15 new pages, plus add new news items -- this was not small undertaking. But the result speak for themselves. The website is visually attractive, easily navigable and all of the features are designed to make visitor experience more rewarding -- both for the visitor and for Dr. Holland.

In addition, I have worked above and beyond to give Dr. Holland the professional persona she was after, now it's up to her to carry the ball forward as new clients contact her for services. Early feedback from visitors suggests that the new searching capabilities and improved navigation provide a more enjoyable overall user experience.

Cascade Custom Creations

New site for these folks - not mine. :(

The real deal!

These folks are genuine and I couldn't recommend them more. If you're in the market for scan proof wallets, laser engraved water bottles, coasters and more you need to visit their website to see what they have to offer. Better yet, visit them as they travel the road for tradeshows. Oh! If you have a dog you really should check out Dave's dog kennels. They are out of this world. I'm personally planning on ordering barn doors for every room in my new house. Those are incredible. πŸ™‚


Laser engraving and handcrafted products


Holli and Dave have a growing laser and woodworking business located in Redmond Oregon. Holli contacted me as she was transitioning from one block-built website located on Godaddy to another block-built website she was struggling with on WordPress. Her aim was to route all web traffic to the new site which incorporates a WooCommerce store and full descriptions of all of their products including special order.


It is good to see this website up and running. I have promised myself to never build a block editing website again (due to personal preference and the intense amount of time and effort involved with those clunky things), but we'll see how that pans out. I was determined to keep with the block editor so that Holli could make changes to the website and navigate her way through WooCommerce without having to learn anything new. We accomplished that! Now if I can convince Holli and Dave to ramp up their social media presence I think they will knock it out of the park with website visitors and product purchases. We'll see about that, too. πŸ™‚

The first thing that needed to be accomplished was untangling the problems with the website as it was already set. This meant working with tech support, installing a really good caching software, and reinstalling her block editor. This was followed by creating pages, loading products to WooCommerce, pulling in the content from the old website sorting through that and building pages. I also worked to fill in any blanks with new content and images.


  • Blocksy - Repair & Setup
  • Help set up WooCommerce for layout and function
  • Image Optimization & Editing
  • Build Pages for Special Order Products
  • Overall Layout & Design (working within theme & block editor) (!)
  • Ensure Responsiveness of content
  • Google Search Console
  • Improve SEO appeal for content
  • Google Analytics for tracking traffic flow and making improvements


Santa Rosa Orthopaedics


  • Mobile Application
  • Custom CMS
  • Responsive Design
  • Social Media Integration
  • Security Enhancements
  • SSL Certification
  • Connection to Patient Portal
  • Knowledge Library
  • News Feed
  • Multiple Physician Focus Areas
  • Clearly Defined Sections
  • Optimized HQ Images

Responsive, Secure and Current


As the primary partner for JB Communications out of Santa Rosa, CA I have worked on this website literally for years. Inherited from a previous HTML designer I struggled daily to deal with a myriad of coding issues, design flaws and hacking vulnerabilities. Finally, in late 2018 we got the green light to start a rebuild project.Β 


The goal with this website and client was to bring their online presence out of the dark ages. This meant, editing verbiage and streamlining content to make it more visible and easily navigable to site visitors. Another important element was to make sure the renovated site included mobile compatibly and easy access to all digital devices - something the old site never considered. This is a heavily utilized website by the Northern California community, and as such we also needed to make it modern, attractive and SEO optimized.

Advanced navigation offers site visitors avenues to arrive at their destinations in a a number of sensible ways. The new site, responsively designed, is also an impressive marketing tool, highlighting each doctor's practice information and specialty in ways that compel potential new patients to make an appointment. And discovering how to make that appointment is now effortless, thanks to the layout and design of this website.


While this website is still fresh out of the box, SRO physicians and patients alike are finding it much easier to get to the information they are looking for. Visitors enjoy the experience of learning new things about the practice along the way without enduring pedantic or contrived narratives. Throughout this website I opted to use realistic, high quality images to make the site more enjoyable to visit while clearly conveying the intention of each section and individual page. This site was successfully implemented in a timely manner and within budget. My goal was to make it very easy for visitors to find what they are looking for and to create a constant stream of new and returning patient appointments in a way that enhances SRO's ongoing success story.

Feedback suggests that the new searching capabilities and improved navigation provide a more enjoyable overall user experience.