Get Social

Grow Your Organization With Social Media

Businesses and organizations today know that social media marketing has the very real ability to create an influential community around products and services. Social media lets you tap into previously under-utilized populations of potential supporters, attracting new customers, patients and clients while expanding your reach in your community and the world. Having the staff to build and support this kind of endeavor can be daunting to organize. As a contract consultant I can help you to solve that dilemma.

The goal of every business's online campaign is to transcend the web to generate one-on-one relationships with new customers, supporters, donors and clients, and to bring your information to the forefront of your community. Once you have captured the attention of visitors then it's about keeping them engaged with email newsletters, blog posts, articles and other informative exchanges. With my help, you will never be invisible again.

My SMM services are tailored to your expectations, produce results and drive traffic aimed at bringing in new clientele.

Customer relationship management

Social media marketing, Canva ad design expert, content creation, grow your community

Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn - Google Search - Pinterest - YouTube - Instagram - More!

  • Make your company stand out in the conversations and improve customer relationship through popular social media platforms.
  • Publish news from your website, shared to all social platforms at your own pace.
  • Graphic design to support social memes and business promotions (Canva, Photoshop, YouTube).
  • Make sure your local listings are correct and up-to-date so new clients can find you on the web and at the workplace.
  • Make a plan to publish news, graphics and/or photos on a schedule - weekly, 2x weekly or more!
  • When all of your social media efforts are designed to get people back to your website, it's a win-win.

Check Out These New and Managed Pages by Dhyzen:

Social Media Marketing Clients (Facebook shown below):


$150 Set-up per platform. Frequency-based ongoing fee schedule starting at $100/week for one or more social media platforms.