Online Marketing
With a small business, practice or clinic, it is important to think about a target demographic that will generate lasting connections. Learn how to discover who needs your services and where you can find and then connect with them in meaningful ways.
How to Write Newsletters That Rock
No matter what you’re trying to convey in a newsletter that information needs to be compelling and brief with links that take the reader to your website, where the full story lives. Without this sort of ‘call to action’ directing people to your website, writing a newsletter is pretty much a waste of time.
Another successful Super Affordable Website
The goal with this website was to create a design and navigation system that highlights the organization’s core message while validating their expertise and the work they do in the community, both visually and with written content. As a struggling small nonprofit with a number of bumps in the road in their past, they wanted to get online in a big way and make a positive first impression with visitors.