Website Development

Your business deserves to be presented as fresh, original and savvy in today’s complicated digital world. New websites, website rehabs or renewing older layouts.

New Website Makeover

New Website Makeover

Thom Shenk - Rolfing Insight

I'm so excited to share with you a new website makeover! This is for Thom Shenk - one of the most amazing people I've ever had the opportunity to work with!

Thom is a seasoned professional Certified Advanced Rolfing Master who has more than 100,000 Rolfing sessions under his belt! I can't even imagine what that's like! But I can tell from his client reviews that he knows what he's doing and he gets amazing results. Thom is also an avid spiritual explorer with some incredible stories to tell pertaining to shamanism, meditation, breathwork and much more. I love this guy and I really enjoyed working with him. 🙂

Here is a look at the website:

Are you interested in a website makeover? Learn more here --->>

And I don't always do this, but here is a 'before' and 'after' view:

Before Home Page

After Renovation Home Page

Rolfing Insight Website
Affordable Solutions for a Stunning Website Makeover

Affordable Solutions for a Stunning Website Makeover

Discover Dhyzen Creative Services

Ever taken a look at your old WordPress site and thought, "This could use a little TLC"? You're not alone! Many of us build our sites with great enthusiasm, only to watch them grow outdated and neglected over time. But here’s the good news: with Dhyzen Creative Services, giving your website a makeover doesn't have to be expensive or stressful. Let's dive into how affordable and transformative a website rehab can be!

Welcome to WordPress Rehab

Picture this: your website is like a charming old house that just needs a bit of love to make it shine again. That's where WordPress Rehab comes in. Think of it as a home renovation show for your online presence! The best part? It won't cost you a fortune.

What's Involved in a Rehab Project?

You might be wondering what exactly goes into a website rehab. Here’s a sneak peek:

  • Keeping the Theme: We can work wonders with your current theme, giving it a fresh look without starting from scratch. Of course, if you're ready for a change, we can switch themes too – it just takes a bit more time and effort.
  • Content Overhaul: Say goodbye to outdated content. We update your text, add new high-quality photos, and even create new service pages if needed. Your website will feel brand new!
  • Fresh Elements: Imagine your site with new plugins, updated design elements, and features that make it look like it just rolled off the digital assembly line.
  • SEO Optimization: We verify and enhance your keywords and phrases, ensuring your site is easy to find. We connect you to Google Console for better indexing and tracking, create a Bing Business page, and trim the excess fat to speed up your site.
  • Social Media Integration: From connecting your existing social accounts to helping set up new ones, we've got you covered.
  • Search and Map Results: We make sure your business is easy to find, helping develop your search and map results if needed.

Help Unpacking a Theme

Bought a shiny new WordPress theme but feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you customize it to suit your needs perfectly. By adding new functionalities, we not only enhance usability but also make your site more appealing to visitors and search engines alike.

Customize Your Website to Meet Your Needs

Whether you need a brand-new WordPress site built from the ground up or want to revamp an old theme, Dhyzen Creative Services has you covered. Our goal is to make the process as smooth and affordable as possible, tailored to your specific requirements.

Super Affordable Websites – A Special Offer

Now, here's something exciting for small businesses! We offer "Super Affordable Websites" designed to be quick, effective, and budget-friendly. If you qualify, you can get a sleek, fully functional website for just $755.

This offer is perfect for those who provide a service and need a straightforward site to get the point across. Even better, you can add more features over time, and we're always here to support any upgrades, additions, or changes.

What's Included in the Super Affordable Website Package?

  • Customized WordPress Theme
  • SEO Optimization
  • High-Quality Photos
  • Content Editing
  • Google Analytics-ready
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Social Media Account Setup (Facebook and Twitter)
  • Blog/News Coordination with Social Media

Ready for a Makeover?

Your WordPress site deserves the best, and with Dhyzen Creative Services, you can give it a stunning makeover without breaking the bank. Whether it’s a complete rehab, unpacking a new theme, or taking advantage of our Super Affordable Websites, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

So, are you ready to turn your digital "fixer-upper" into a sleek, modern website that draws in visitors and keeps them coming back? Contact us today with "Super Affordable Website" in the subject of your email to see if you qualify for this incredible offer.

Let’s make your website the talk of the digital town – affordably, efficiently, and beautifully.

NEW OFFERS: Pro Site Development for Less

NEW OFFERS: Pro Site Development for Less

Super Affordable Website Offer

New super affordable websites for clients that qualify


Due to the popularity of this offer, Super Affordable Websites for small businesses is now open to all small businesses, nonprofits and healthcare professionals that qualify. Nonprofits qualify for additional $50 discount!

My Super Affordable Website offer works for people who provide a service and don’t need a lot of content to get the point across. This website design offer is meant to be as quick and painless as possible while providing the professional results you need. These sites are just as comprehensive as larger content-volume sites only on a smaller scale. They are created to highlight your services and products in ways that appeal to visitors, and satisfy your most immediate marketing challenges. More elements can be added over time and we're always here to support upgrades, additions and changes.

You are the owner of your site (via whatever host you choose) and you'll never have to wonder who the host company is or how to keep the site online and current years from now. My super affordable sites include: Customized WordPress Theme, as many pages as you need (around 12 providing you have the content - About, Services, Practice Descriptions, Contact, Locations, FAQs, News/Blog, etc.).

  • Applications as Needed
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • High Quality Photos
  • Content Editing & Some Content Creation
  • Google Analytics-ready
  • Search Engine Submission & Optimization
  • Security Ready (+SSL via Your Host)
  • Social Media Account(s) set-up (as needed for Facebook and Twitter)
  • Blog/News coordinated to publish to social media, and much more!

Contact me with ‘Super Affordable Website’ in the subject of your email and I will let you know how to qualify for an $595 website.

Super Affordable Website Offer

WordPress Rehab ➞  Give your old WordPress site a makeover

I specialize in website rehab. WordPress Rehab won't cost you a fortune. It will improve your appeal to visitors, create more return visitors and improve your search engine standing.

What is involved in a rehab project?

  • We are flexible with the theme. It can remains the same, can be updated, or can be a new theme entirely
  • New content, new photos, edit existing content
  • Add new service pages as needed
  • New and updated elements to make your website appear to be fresh out of the box (HQ photos, plugins, etc.)
  • SEO - verify keywords and phrases and where there aren't any, add them. Connect to Google console to encourage indexing and tracking. Create Bing Business page to enhance searchability. Remove bloat as needed.
  • Connect to social accounts, assist with new accounts as necessary
  • Verify search and map results - aid in developing if needed
These projects start about about $700 for a website that doesn't require a lot of pages, and uses a minimal number of apps. These Super Affordable makeovers are not meant for website selling products or requiring aps such as WooCommerce.

New Super Affordable Website Clients

Some of Our Super Affordable Websites

The Big Three for Enhancing Your Online Presence

The Big Three for Enhancing Your Online Presence

Having a robust online presence is essential for small business owners.

3 Strategies for Small Business Owners to Enhance Their Online Presence

Having a robust online presence is essential for small business owners. With an increasing number of consumers turning to the internet to discover and engage with businesses, it's crucial to make your mark in the online world. Here are three strategies to help small business owners improve their online presence:

Develop an Engaging Website

Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. Therefore, it's imperative to create a well-designed, user-friendly website that reflects your brand identity and provides valuable information. Ensure that your website is mobile-responsive. With the majority of internet users accessing websites from their smartphones, a mobile-friendly site is crucial for a positive user experience. Regularly update your website with high-quality, relevant content. This can include blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and more. Valuable content not only attracts visitors but also helps with search engine optimization (SEO). Another thing you can do is implement clear and compelling CTAs throughout your website to guide visitors toward the desired actions, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you for more information.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms offer an excellent opportunity for small business owners to connect with their audience and promote their products or services. Select the social media platforms that align with your target audience and business goals. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or others, focus your efforts on where your potential customers are most active. Regular and consistent posting is key to maintaining an active online presence. Create a content calendar and post engaging and relevant content to keep your audience informed and entertained. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Building a community around your brand can foster trust and loyalty.

Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a fundamental component of improving your online visibility. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can rank higher in search results and drive more organic traffic.  Identify relevant keywords related to your business and industry. Use tools like Google's Keyword Planner to find the most valuable keywords for your website. Optimize your website's on-page elements, such as title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags, with your chosen keywords. Build a network of quality backlinks to your website from reputable sources. These backlinks help improve your site's authority and search engine rankings.

Ultimately, enhancing your online presence is a vital step for small business owners looking to grow and succeed in the digital age. By developing an engaging website, utilizing social media effectively, and investing in SEO, you can expand your reach, attract more customers, and ultimately thrive in the online marketplace.

Bringing Your Small Business Website to Life

Bringing Your Small Business Website to Life

Designing for Success

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, small business owners are discovering the transformative power of a well-designed website. It's a journey that can be filled with excitement, whether you're working with a brand-new website to injecting new life into an outdated one. As a web designer who cherishes the opportunity to craft custom website designs, the process is akin to weaving magic. The satisfaction derived from helping clients witness their digital dreams take shape is truly magical.

In this dimension of digital design, where connections are virtual and the internet is our canvas, every project unfolds like a unique story. It's a realm where creativity meets functionality, and where websites take on a life of their own.

The Digital Dimension of Design

When you immerse yourself in the world of web design, it's possible to appreciate the internet as a dimension unto itself. It's a space where ideas are born, businesses can grow and thrive, and where real human connections are formed. It's in this digital dimension that creativity flourishes - for designers as well as businesses.

Recently, while guiding a client through the WordPress dashboard I offered a virtual glimpse of how website visitors would experience her services and projects. This helped to demonstrate how a well designed website design comes alive for visitors. And, in some ways a website does come to life, albeit in a different sense than a living being. You don't need to care for it like a pet, but you do need to nurture it to ensure it thrives.

Bringing Your Website to Life

A well-crafted website is alive in the sense that it interacts with the world in specific ways. A website designed with the user's experience in mind has the power to engage, captivate, and leave a lasting impression. It can "touch" people emotionally and draw them in, just as a poorly designed website can confuse or repel visitors. When a website elicits positive emotions through visuals, color scheme and word content, visitors will be compelled to stay on that website longer - giving you a unique opportunity to interact with potential new clients, customers and visitors - even before an appointment has been scheduled, a product sold or a email exchanged.

While it may not require physical care, a website does need to be regularly "fed" with fresh content to keep visitors coming back. Content maintenance is akin to tending to a garden, where you nurture the fruitful bits and prune the irrelevant. It's about keeping the website "alive" and relevant over time by generating engaging content, updating visuals, and fostering interactions with site visitors.

Website Designs for Success

A well-thought-out website speaks to visitors in unique ways. It's a deliberate creation with a specific intent, conveying information in a manner that effortlessly guides users to their desired answers. Visitors either resonate with a website's message or they don't. The success of a website lies in crafting a design that draws users in with visually appealing elements that encourages them to explore the content, regardless of whether they immediately connect with the message, product, or service.

The journey of creating a website that works for small businesses is a captivating blend of creativity and functionality. It's about bringing a website to life in the digital dimension, where design choices, content updates, and user interactions can breathe vitality into the online presence of small businesses. Digital designers hold the key to unlocking the magic of a website that not only exists, but informs, inspires and thrives in the digital realm.